Kornélia Deres at the European Poetry Festival
The European Poetry Festival hosted representatives of European nations' poets for the sixth consecutive year. The 6th European Poetry Festival welcomes poets from European nations as its guests. As one of the largest poetry festivals in the United Kingdom, this event series is characterized by the invited poets forming pairs and creating entirely new texts together. These texts are then presented as poetry performances.

A "Mutasd magad! - irodalmi transzfer pályázat (2023)" márciusi nyertesei / Winners of the "Showtime! " – literary transfer competition (2023) in March
A pályázatra azon hazai szerzők és fordítók jelentkezését vártuk, akik meghívást kaptak valamilyen rangos külföldi rendezvényre, könyvbemutatóra, fesztiválra./ We were expecting applications from domestic authors and translators who were invited to prestigious foreign events, book launches or festivals.

A "Mutasd magad! - irodalmi transzfer pályázat (2023)" februári nyertesei / Winners of the "Showtime! " – literary transfer competition (2023) in February
A pályázatra azon hazai szerzők és fordítók jelentkezését vártuk, akik meghívást kaptak valamilyen rangos külföldi rendezvényre, könyvbemutatóra, fesztiválra./ We were expecting applications from domestic authors and translators who were invited to prestigious foreign events, book launches or festivals.

Announcement of results: „Sample translation grant for Agencies and Hungarian Publishers 2022/2”
The Petőfi Literary Fund invites applications for Sample Translation grants from literary agencies and individuals who hold the rights to works of literature in Hungarian which have not yet been translated into the given language for funding for translations of excerpts from these works.

Announcement of results: “Production grant for foreign publishing houses (2022/2)”
In June 2022, the Petőfi Literary Fund invited applications for its next production grant. The amount of the tender, which is intended to promote the translation and publication of works of Hungarian literature abroad, was 27.000 euros (cca. 10 million HUF). The books, which have been granted support were announced on 30th of May.

Announcement of results: “Translation grant for foreign publishing houses (2022/2)"
In June 2022, the Petőfi Literary Fund invited applications for its next translation grant. The amount of the tender, which is intended to promote the translation and publication of works of Hungarian literature abroad, was 67.000 euros (cca. 25 million HUF). The books, which have been granted support were announced on 30th of May.

A Dienes Valéria szakfordítói pályázat nyertesei 2022/2
A Petőfi Ügynökség Nonprofit Zrt. „Dienes Valéria szakfordítói pályázat” címmel ismét pályázatot hirdetett, amelyre fiatal, tehetséges tudományos- és szakfordítók jelentkezését várta, ezzel is segítve pályakezdésüket, és a magas színvonalú tudományos és szakfordítói tevékenységet.