
A "Mutasd magad! - irodalmi transzfer pályázat (2021/1)" nyertesei
A pályázatra azon hazai szerzők és fordítók jelentkezését vártuk, akik meghívást kaptak valamilyen rangos külföldi rendezvényre, könyvbemutatóra, fesztiválra.
A "Mutasd magad! - irodalmi transzfer pályázat (2021/1)" nyertesei
A Babits Mihály műfordítói ösztöndíj pályázat nyertesei
A 2021. évi nyertesek névsora
A Babits Mihály műfordítói ösztöndíj pályázat nyertesei
Babits Mihály műfordítói ösztöndíj pályázat
Az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma megbízásából a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum pályázatot hirdet fiatal műfordítók részére.
Babits Mihály műfordítói ösztöndíj pályázat
We don’t want to push our way into the crowd
Dániel Levente Pál spoke to, a portal on art and public life, about the successes of the Petőfi Literary Fund last year and its plans for the upcoming year.
We don’t want to push our way into the crowd
The best-of series has won another award
The PLF series of publications won the Blue Award at the RGB Kreatív Design Awards.
The best-of series has won another award
Hungary at the Guadalajara International Book Fair for the first time
Árpád Kun presented his novel Boldog észak (“The Happy North”) at the book fair in Mexico.
Hungary at the Guadalajara International Book Fair for the first time
Announcement of the winners of grants for seasoned translators of Hungarian literature (2020/2)
For the grants for seasoned translators, the Petőfi Literary Fund invites applications from translators who have had at least one translation from Hungarian
Announcement of the winners of grants for seasoned translators of Hungarian literature (2020/2)
Recognize the translator!
Long article in Hungarian daily newspaper Népszava about translators, translations and translation grants.
Recognize the translator!
Announcement of results: Production grant for foreign publishing houses (2020/2)
We invited applications from foreign-based publishing houses planning to publish Hungarian books
Announcement of results: Production grant for foreign publishing houses (2020/2)
Announcement of the winners of the Sample translation grant (2020/4)
The Petőfi Literary Fund invites applications for Sample Translation grants from literary agencies and individuals who hold the rights to works of literature in Hungarian.
Announcement of the winners of the Sample translation grant (2020/4)
Announcement of the winners of grants for emerging translators of Hungarian literature (2020/2) 
For the grants for emerging translators, the Petőfi Literary Fund invites applications from translators who have had at most one translation from Hungarian.
Announcement of the winners of grants for emerging translators of Hungarian literature (2020/2) 
Hungarian Success at the Joseph Binder Award
László Herbszt won distinction in Book Illustration category.
Hungarian Success at the Joseph Binder Award
Award-Winning Publication Series
Silver award at Hungary’s most prestigious advertising competition, Hipnózis.
Award-Winning Publication Series
Oh Casanova, Where Are You Wandering?
Miklós Szentkuthy's Marginalia on Casanova was published in German translation by Tímea Tankó.
Oh Casanova, Where Are You Wandering?
Back to School: Lea Sauer meets students in Pécs
German writer, Lea Sauer has been the second guest of the Pécs Residence of the Petőfi Literary Fund’s residency program in September and October 2020.
Back to School: Lea Sauer meets students in Pécs
Touches of Black Humor and Socio-Horror
The Petőfi Literary Fund has made two new additions to its book series promoting Hungarian literature.
Touches of Black Humor and Socio-Horror
The PesText International Literary Festival was a great success
PesText caught the interest of almost 100,000 people the world over.
The PesText International Literary Festival was a great success
Announcement of results: Translation grant for foreign publishing houses 2020/1
The books, which have been granted support were announced on the International Translation Day, 30 September.
Announcement of results: Translation grant for foreign publishing houses 2020/1
Text-World-Literature! – PesText 2020 live and online
Text-World-Literature! – PesText 2020 live and online
This Year’s PesText Press RESET Twice
Announcing the autumn translation grant opportunities
Petőfi Literary Fund again is offering seven grants in support of the publication and performance abroad of works of Hungarian literature in translation.
Announcing the autumn translation grant opportunities