Sándor Petőfi in Manila

About writing, poetry and the Hungarian language – Poetry evening with István Kemény and translator Guillaume Métayer I Írásról, költészetről, magyar nyelvről - Költészeti est Kemény Istvánnal és Guillaume Métayer fordítóval
As part of his literary tour, recipient of the Hungarian Laurel Wreath Award István Kemény also visited the Liszt Institute in Brussels.

Sándor Halmosi and Attila Balázs F. at the International Poetry Festival in Chalkida I Halmosi Sándor és Balázs F. Attila a halkídai Nemzetközi Költészeti Fesztiválon
The 3rd International Poetry Festival took place in the city of Chalkida, Greece, from May 22nd to 27th, where poet and translator Sándor Halmosi accompanied by poet Attila Balázs F. participated with the support of the 'Show Yourself!' literary transfer grant.

A magyar irodalom pályakezdő fordítói számára kiírt pályázat (2023/1) nyertesei | Winners of the Sample Translation Call for Emerging Translators of Hungarian Literature (2023/1)

A "Mutasd magad! - irodalmi transzfer pályázat (2023)" májusi nyertesei I Winners of the "Showtime!" - literary transfer competition (2023) in May

István Kemény at the poetry festival in Luxembourg I Kemény István a luxemburgi költészeti fesztiválon
In the organization by the Liszt Institute in Brussels and with the support of Petőfi Literary Fund, writer and poet István Kemény had the chance to participate in the poetry festival in Luxembourg.

István Kemény debuted in Paris with his second French-language volume I Kemény István Párizsban debütált második francia nyelvű kötetével
Recipient of the Hungarian Laurel Wreath Award István Kemény presented his latest French-language poetry collection at a literary evening in Paris as part of the Show yourself! literary transfer competition.

Edina Tallér and Csaba Gerner took Hungarian literature and culture to California I Tallér Edina és Gerner Csaba Kaliforniába vitték el a magyar irodalmat és kultúrát
Among the winners of the "Show Yourself!" literary transfer competition in September, Csaba Gerner also secured a spot. Together with Edina Tallér, they presented their programs in the United States

Dániel Varró presented himself with two interactive programs in Cambridge I Varró Dániel két interaktív programmal mutatkozott be Cambridge-ben
Poet and translator Dániel Varró had the opportunity to participate in the United Kingdom through the Mutasd magad! (Show Yourself!) literary transfer grant by the Petőfi Cultural Agency at the 10th anniversary event of Hungarian School in Cambridge!

A magyar irodalom tapasztalt fordítói számára kiírt pályázat (2023/1) nyertesei | Winners of the Sample Translation Call for Experienced Translators of Hungarian Literature (2023/1)

Babits Mihály műfordítói ösztöndíj (2023) nyertes pályázatai/ Winner applications for the Babits Mihály literary translation grant (2023)

Roland Orcsik introduced himself at the international Litera žije festival in the Czech Republic I Orcsik Roland a cseh Litera žije nemzetközi fesztiválon mutatkozott be
Our "Show Yourself!" awardee made his debut at the international event called Literatura žije in České Budějovice, located in the Moldau river valley.

Attila F. Balázs introduced himself on a book tour in Székelyföld I Balázs F. Attila székelyföldi könyvbemutató turnén mutatkozott be
As the winner of the "Show Yourself!" literary transfer competition in March 2023, poet, writer and translator Attila F. Balázs presented his interview collection titled "The Two Sides of the Bars" in Székelyföld.

A "Mutasd magad! - irodalmi transzfer pályázat (2023)" áprilisi nyertesei/ Winners of the "Showtime! " – literary transfer competition (2023) in April

Foreign premiere of concert theatre performance Twenty-Six Years – Private Petőfi
After its Budapest debut, the concert theater performance Twenty-Six Years - Private Petőfi will also be presented in Brussels. The show evoking the figure of Sándor Petőfi, the giant of poetry who was born 200 years ago, will be seen for the first time by foreign audiences in the Belgian capital. The Liszt Institute in Brussels will host the performance as part of the Petőfi Literary Fund’s bicentennial program dedicated to Petőfi.

Barnás, Böszörményi, Kukorelly, Andrea Tompa and Melinda Varga at the Leipzig Book Fair
At the Leipzig International Book Fair (Leipziger Buchmesse) organised between April 27-30 2023, the works of Ferenc Barnás, Zoltán Böszörményi, Endre Kukorelly, Andrea Tompa and Melinda Varga published in German are presented along with The Continental, an English-language journal of Central European literature. The organiser of the Hungarian pavilion and programs are the Petőfi Literary Fund and the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin.

The novel of Ag Apolloni written in Debrecen nominated for a Europe Award
Albanian writer from Kosovo Ag Apolloni spent a month in Debrecen in July 2022 as a scholarship holder of the Hungarian Writers’ Residency Program. His book written in the city called "Piroska: A Fairy Tale for Adults" (Kësulëkuqja, përrallë për të rritur) was already published last year in October and due to its massive success, it was nominated for the European Union Literary Award.