Mária Bajzáth: The Rabbi and the Lion – Collection of Jewish Folktales

Hungarian Success at the Joseph Binder Award

Congratulation to László Herbszt who has won distinction at the Joseph Binder Award in Book Illustration category!

The Joseph Binder Award is an international competition with a focus on graphic design and illustration and was first launched in 1996 by designaustria, the interest organization and knowledge centre for design in Austria. It is named after one of the most outstanding graphic designers and illustrators active in Austria between the two World Wars, who subsequently also revolutionized visual communication in the United States. The Joseph Binder Award is held every two years. The entries are assessed by an international jury of experts.

Joseph Binder’s motto was: "In design, everything has a function. Design has a representational function. Design has a communicational function. Design has a motivational function."

Herbszt's ars poetica

Someone once said of illustration

that it works if it adds something

to the text that wasn’t there

before. Something which required

another genre, another personality,

and another manner of thinking.

I don’t think I could have

summarized my thoughts on good

illustrations any more eloquently.

-Ars poetica
Ars poetica

You can check out some of the award-winning illustrations in our Best Hungarian Artists - 11,1 Illustrators catalouge (pages 36-41 and the back cover).

-Best Hungarian Artists - 11,1 Illustrators
Best Hungarian Artists - 11,1 Illustrators

-Mária Bajzáth: The Rabbi and the Lion – Collection of Jewish Folktales
Mária Bajzáth: The Rabbi and the Lion – Collection of Jewish Folktales

-The fly is pretty cool, dont' you think?
The fly is pretty cool, dont' you think?

Best Hungarian Artists - 11,1 Illustrators
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Support for Hungarian children’s literature abroad is being refreshed