Anthology of Young Hungarian Poets

I hope the poets appearing in this book paint a representative picture of young contemporary Hungarian poetry. I hope they can show what difficulties we have to face, what challenges we have, what our most important questions are, how we love or how we don’t, how we believe and how we don’t, how we rage and how we forgive, how we feel and how we fear, how we pass and come to this world, us Hungarians.
From this collection of poetry people can find out more about us than from the news, from a last minute holiday or how they judge us based on our football. Now Greek readers can do something for us, Hungarian poets. You can take our poems to the seaside and read them to the sea while we will read your Greek poems in our forests.
Weiner Sennyey Tibor
Authors: János Áfra, Éva Klára Galyas, Péter Závada, Zita Izsó, Liza László, Timur Bék, Péter Oravecz, Anna Terék, Kinga Tóth, Tibor Weiner Sennyey, Arnold Levente