Hungarian book translation is on the list of Oxford-Weidenfeld Prize 2022

Hungarian book translation is on the list of Oxford-Weidenfeld Prize 2022

The Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation announced the longlist for the Oxford-Weidenfeld Prize 2022.


Bernard Adams is a seasoned translator of Hungarian literature with many great transtations. His translation of Andrea Tompa's novel has now been added to the prestigious Oxford-Weidenfeld Prize list :

"Bernard Adams's translation of The Hangman's House by Andrea Tompa - Hungarian, Seagull Books."

The Oxford-Weidenfeld Prize is for book-length literary translations into English from any living European language. It aims to honour the craft of translation and to recognise its cultural importance.

The shortlist will be announced in May 2022. The prize of £2000 will be awarded at Oxford Translation Day on 11 June 2022, at St Anne’s College.

Informations from: OCCT

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