Zsolt Karácsonyi

Zsolt Karácsonyi
Zsolt Karácsonyi

Zsolt Karácsonyi (1977-) is a leading personality of the Hungarian-language literature in Transylvania. He is the author of several books of poetry and essays on drama. His books of poetry have been issued by publishers from Kolozsvár, Budapest, Csikszereda, and Arad. He has been the editor-in chief of the weekly magazine Helikon issued in Kolozsvár (Cluj) since 2013 and the vice-president of the Erdélyi Magyar Írók Ligájá (The Transylvanian Hungarian Writers’ League). Zsolt Karácsonyi is also a prolific translator of Romanian literature into Hungarian. In recognition of his literary merits, Zsolt Karácsonyi has received numerous literary awards, including the József Attila Award (2018).


Swim, Faust, swim!
Swim, Faust, swim!